
Perspectivas críticas sobre os Estudos Ibéricos

  Edición: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Santiago Pérez Isasi
   Editorial: Veneza: Edizioni Ca’Foscari – Biblioteca Rassegna Iberística
   Año: 2019

“The series Biblioteca di Rassegna Iberistica publishes monographs and collections of high scientific rigor essays regarding linguistic and cultural areas of Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian and Catalan. It is bound to present publications issued from research activities of Ca’ Foscari University and foreign and italian institutions and researchers’ publications. It aims to be a privileged location to discuss about research, instruments of our subjects according to innovative theorical and historical perspectives. A summary and interdisciplinary project, publishes works about the whole angles of Iberic and Ibero-American culture.”

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Número Monográfico: Iberian Studies: New spaces of enquiry

  Coordinación: Fernandes, Ângela; Newcomb, Robert e Pérez Isasi, Santiago
   Editorial: Intellect
   Año: 2019

Número especial: Fernandes, Ângela; Newcomb, Robert e Pérez Isasi, Santiago. Iberian Studies: New spaces of enquiry. Número especial da International Journal of Iberian Studies, 32(1+2).

“The International Journal of Iberian Studies is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars from around the world whose research focuses on contemporary Iberia (twentieth and twenty-first century). IJIS publishes work from a range of disciplinary perspectives, and it particularly welcomes articles that apply a comparative or intertwined methodology to the study of Spain and Portugal and consider other identities, cultures and nationalities (Andalusia, Asturias, Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia, etc.) and communities (Shepardics, Romani, immigrants, etc.). It is published in collaboration with the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies.”
“Introdução: Estudos ibéricos e periferias: contributos para um debate”

  Edición: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Santiago Pérez Isasi
   Editorial: Veneza: Ca’Foscari
   Año: 2019

  Capítulo: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Santiago Pérez Isasi (2019): “Introdução: Estudos ibéricos e periferias: contributos para um debate”, em Perspectivas críticas sobre os Estudos Ibéricos, Cristina Martínez Tejero e Santiago Pérez Isasi (eds.), Veneza: Ca’Foscari (Biblioteca Rassegna Iberística, n. 16), pp. 7-20

“O presente volume é resultado de um colóquio internacional que decorreu na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa entre os dias 8 e 9 de março de 2018 e que teve por título Os estudos ibéricos a partir da periferia. Desafios epistemológicos e novos olhares nos estudos galegos, bascos e catalães. 1 Com esta iniciativa pretendíamos reunir duas linhas de trabalho aparentemente distantes e, segundo algumas vozes, até contraditórias entre si: por um lado, os estudos ibéricos e, por outro, os campos de análise dedicados aos casos catalão, basco e galego.”

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“Cartografias do espaço cultural ibérico: Uma proposta de desenvolvimento digital”

  Edición: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Santiago Pérez Isasi
   Editorial: Veneza: Ca’Foscari
   Año: 2019

  Capítulo: Santiago Pérez Isasi e Catarina Sequeira Rodrigues (2019): “Cartografias do espaço cultural ibérico: Uma proposta de desenvolvimento digital”, em Perspectivas críticas sobre os Estudos Ibéricos, Cristina Martínez Tejero e Santiago Pérez Isasi (eds.), Veneza: Ca’Foscari, pp. 223-241.

“This chapter aims aims to present the theoretical and methodological foundations of the project Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1870-1930). First, it offers an overview of the geocultural reflections underlying this project, from the general ‘spatial turn’ of the Humanities to the reformulation of Area Studies (more specifically, of the field of Iberian Studies, in which this project is inscribed), and also the development of digital cartography. Secondly, it explains the specific methodology applied in this project, from the selection of data and their codification into a database, to possible problems and options of visualisation through interactive digital maps.”

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“Lo ‘ibérico’ en los Estudios Ibéricos”

  Edición: Núria Codina Solà e Teresa Pinheiro
   Editorial: Peter Lang
   Año: 2019

  Capítulo: Gimeno Ugalde, Esther e Santiago Pérez Isasi (2019): “Lo ‘ibérico’ en los Estudios Ibéricos: meta-análisis del campo a través de sus publicaciones (2000-)”, en Núria Codina Solà e Teresa Pinheiro (eds.): Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines. Berlim: Peter Lang.

“The aim of this article is to determine whether Iberian Studies is fulfilling its theoretical purpose (that is, to study the Iberian Peninsula as a complex multicultural and multilingual space), and whether it demonstrates a truly comparative and transnational methodology. In order to do so, we will analyse some of the most relevant academic volumes published in the field, and will also extract quantitative data from the database of the IStReS – Iberian Studies Reference Site. This meta-analysis of recent academic production will allow us to determine whether Iberian Studies has developed a non-hierarchical focus on the Iberian Peninsula or whether previously established trends and hierarchies still persist. We will then be able to discuss possible ways of ensuring the relevance and validity of the discipline in relation to its main objectives.”

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“Introduction - Iberian Studies: New spaces of enquiry”

   Editorial: Intellect
   Año: 2019

Artículo: Fernandes, Ângela; Newcomb, Robert Patrick e Pérez Isasi, Santiago (2019): “Introduction”, no número especial “Iberian Studies: New spaces of enquiry”, International Journal of Iberian Studies, 32(1+2), pp. 9-11

“Over the past few years, Iberian Studies has experienced rapid growth as a distinct field of inquiry, both inside and outside the Iberian Peninsula, in Europe and in the United States. Recent research in Iberian literatures, arts and cultures has shown the importance of a comparative approach as a means to draw a comprehensive portrait of the multi-layered dynamics of the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, the critical revision of Hispanic and Portuguese studies that Iberian Studies enacts allows for new perspectives on cultural phenomena from various periods. It is therefore timely that we, as practitioners of Iberian Studies, assess the ‘state of the field’, analysing its theoretical and methodological foundations, and identifying recently explored lines of inquiry.”
“On the polysemic nature of Iberian Studies”

   Editorial: Intellect
   Año: 2019

Artículo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago (2019): “On the polysemic nature of Iberian Studies Iberian Studies: New spaces of enquiry. Número especial da International Journal of Iberian Studies, 32(1+2), pp. 13-32.

“This article aims to clarify the polysemic nature of Iberian Studies, marked by a multiplicity of definitions, objectives, objects and methodologies that sometimes impede collaboration or even communication between different research traditions on both sides of the Atlantic. Without denying the specificity and unity of the field, I propose that we distinguish between three definitions or configurations: Iberian Studies as a multicultural expansion of Hispanism; Iberian Studies as a subfield of Comparative Literature (or Comparative Cultural Studies); and Iberian Studies as a form of Area Studies. This plural definition of the field will better allow us to understand its future possibilities, but also its dangers and limitations.”
“The IStReS database: Reflections on the configuration of the field of Iberian Studies”

   Editorial: Revista de Humanidades Digitales
   Año: 2019

Artículo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago; Gimeno Ugalde, Esther (2019): “The IStReS database: Reflections on the configuration of the field of Iberian Studies”, Revista de Humanidades Digitales, N. 3, pp. 46-63.

“This paper discusses the objectives and methodologies of the IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site) project. IStReS ( is an online platform that provides tools for researchers in the field of Iberian Studies, which include a searchable bibliographic database, a “Who’s who” of relevant scholars in the field, and frequent news updates about happenings in the discipline. On the other hand, it presents an analysis of the 1,786 references that are currently included in the database in order to obtain a more detailed image of the status of Iberian Studies today. The results will allow to draw some conclusions on the current configuration of the field.”
Número Monográfico: Confluencias e interferencias literarias y culturales en el espacio ibérico

  Coordinación: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Pérez Isasi, Santiago
   Editorial: Università degli Studi di Milano
   Año: 2019

Número especial: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Pérez Isasi, Santiago. Confluencias e interferencias literarias y culturales en el espacio ibérico. Número especial  da Revista Tintas – Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane, N. 8.

Situar el espacio ibérico como delimitación para una propuesta analítica sobre las prácticas literarias y culturales significa hoy en día incorporar todo un bagaje teórico y de estudios de caso que han sido explorados de forma intensa en los últimos años, bien sea bajo la etiqueta de “estudios ibéricos” o simplemente con referencias más o menos explícitas a las ideas de lo “peninsular” o lo “ibérico”, e incluso a la combinación de ambas (y sin que esto signifique equiparar o uniformizar las distintas corrientes de investigación a los que estos rótulos se asocian) Influyen aquí diversas tendencias de análisis ampliamente reconocidas como son los nuevos caminos del comparatismo, del hispanismo o de los estudios de área, muchas veces influidas por el peso que el “giro espacial” ha tenido en los desarrollos académicos de humanidades en las últimas décadas.

“Introducción: Estudiar y problematizar el espacio ibérico”

   Editorial: Università degli Studi di Milano
   Año: 2019

Artículo: Martínez Tejero, Cristina e Pérez Isasi, Santiago. “Introducción: Estudiar y problematizar el espacio ibérico”. Confluencias e interferencias literarias y culturales en el espacio ibérico. Número especial  da Revista Tintas – Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane, N. 8. pp. 1-15

Situar el espacio ibérico como delimitación para una propuesta analítica sobre las prácticas literarias y culturales significa hoy en día incorporar todo un bagaje teórico y de estudios de caso que han sido explorados de forma intensa en los últimos años, bien sea bajo la etiqueta de “estudios ibéricos” o simplemente con referencias más o menos explícitas a las ideas de lo “peninsular” o lo “ibérico”, e incluso a la combinación de ambas (y sin que esto signifique equiparar o uniformizar las distintas corrientes de investigación a los que estos rótulos se asocian) Influyen aquí diversas tendencias de análisis ampliamente reconocidas como son los nuevos caminos del comparatismo, del hispanismo o de los estudios de área, muchas veces influidas por el peso que el “giro espacial” ha tenido en los desarrollos académicos de humanidades en las últimas décadas.

“IIberianism, nationalism and (literary) regeneration: a chapter for a comparative Iberian literary history”

  Edición: Viktória Semsey
   Editorial: Budapest: KRE / L’Harmattan.
   Año: 2018

  Capítulo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago (2018): “Iberianism, nationalism and (literary) regeneration: a chapter for a comparative Iberian literary history”, em Semsey, Viktória: National Identity and Modernity 1870-1945: in Latin America – Southern Europe – Central Eastern Europe. Budapest: KRE / L’Harmattan.

“The present book divides the 33 studies (some of them synthetic and other analytical) into two parts: History and Social Studies (I.) and Literature and Culture (II.). In these, the authors coming from various countries give the answer to the question about how they see the specific fields of national identity and modernity between 1870 and 1945. The editor intended to show some similarities, differences and tendencies which can lead to instructive conclusions.”

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“Gli Studi Iberici: passato, presente, futuro”

   Editorial: Edizioni Ca’Foscari
   Año: (En imprenta)

Capítulo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago (en imprenta): “Gli Studi Iberici: passato, presente, futuro”, em Iberismo: instrumenti teorici e studi critici, Veneza: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari.

De espaldas abiertas: Relaciones literarias y culturales ibéricas (1870-1930)

  Edición: Sáez Delgado, Antonio e Santiago Pérez Isasi
   Editorial: Granada: Comares
   Año: 2018

“Al hablar de las relaciones históricas, culturales y literarias entre España y Portugal se ha impuesto el tópico de los vecinos que se dan la espalda: la idea del desconocimiento mutuo y hasta de la animadversión enconada. Sin embargo, si se estudia con cierto detenimiento la historia de las relaciones culturales entre ambos países, se comprueba que estas han sido unas espaldas abiertas, porosas, con innumerables intercambios y contaminaciones mutuas (traducciones, amistades, eventos o instituciones conjuntas, influencias de todo tipo…). “

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“Hacia un mapa digital de las relaciones literarias ibéricas (1870-1930): algunas reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas”

   Edición: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
   Año: 2018

  Artículo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago: “Hacia un mapa digital de las relaciones literarias ibéricas (1870-1930): algunas reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas”.

“ARTNODES es una revista digital impulsada por la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya que tiene por objeto el análisis de las intersecciones entre las artes, las ciencias y las tecnologías.

ARTNODES publica aportaciones centradas en la reflexión y el estudio de las intersecciones entre el arte, la ciencia y la tecnología, tanto desde un punto de vista formal, histórico, como conceptual.”

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“New Cartographies of Hispanism: From Spanish to Iberian literary history?”

  Edición: Stuart Davis e Maite Usoz de la Fuente
   Editorial: Cambridge: Legenda
   Año: 2018

  Capítulo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago: “New Cartographies of Hispanism: From Spanish to Iberian literary history?”, pp. 12-24.

“In recent years, interdisciplinary and comparative outlooks, greatly facilitated by the advent of new technologies, have transformed the discipline of Spanish Studies, leading to a re-evaluation of its scope and boundaries. To what extent is it legitimate to speak of ‘Spanish Studies’, given the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spain and the increasingly globalised nature of the world in which we live? How have digital technologies transformed the discipline, and, indeed, its objects of study? Have our methodologies and vocabulary kept apace with these advances? How do recent changes affect our access to and interpretation of cultural texts, past and present? And conversely: how do current re-evaluations of the past affect our understanding of the present? Thirteen early career researchers grapple with these and other questions in a collection of essays that elucidate the ways in which emerging scholars negotiate the urge to revise, re-shape or challenge the canon (transforming their discipline in the process), with the need to integrate their discourse within existing disciplinary boundaries.”

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Número monográfico “Creation, Political Repression and Censorship”, revista Interlitteraria, Vol. 22, n.º 1

  Organización: Carlos Garrido Castellano, Santiago Pérez Isasi
   Editorial: University of Tartu Press
   Año: 2017

Este número especial da revista Interlitteraria analisa a relação complexa entre as práticas literárias e artísticas, e as situações de censura e repressão política sofridas, opostas ou respondidas pelos criadores, no contexto Lusófono e Hispânico nos séculos XX e XXI. Esta publicação é resultado do Colóquio Internacional Criação, Repressão Política e Censura no âmbito ibérico e ibero-americano, organizado pelo CEC em Outubro de 2015, em colaboração com a Fundação José Saramago e o Museu do Aljube – Resistência e Liberdade.

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Publicação associada ao Projecto  DIIA – Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos (grupo LOCUS).

“Building nations through words: Iberian identities in nineteenth-century literary historiography”

  Edición: Javier Munoz-Basols, Manuel Delgado Morales, Laura Lonsdale
   Editorial: Routledge
   Año: 2017

  Capítulo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago: “Building nations through words: Iberian identities in nineteenth-century literary historiography”, pp. 333-343.

“The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies takes an important place in the scholarly landscape by bringing together a compelling collection of essays that reflect the evolving ways in which researchers think and write about the Iberian Peninsula.
Features include:
  • A comprehensive approach to the different languages and cultural traditions of the Iberian Peninsula;
  • Five chronological sections spanning the period from the Middle Ages to the 21st century;
  • A state-of-the-art account of the field, reaffirming Iberian Studies as a dynamic and evolving discipline with promising areas for future research;
  • An array of topics of an interdisciplinary nature (history and politics, language and literature, cultural studies and visual arts), focusing on the cultural distinctiveness of Iberian traditions;
  • New perspectives and avenues of inquiry that aim to promote a comparative mode within Iberian Studies and Hispanism.
The fifty authoritative, original essays will provide readers with a diverse cross-section of texts that will enrich their knowledge of Iberian Studies from an international perspective.”
“Nacionalismos políticos y renacimientos literarios: apuntes para una perspectiva ibérica”

  Coordinación: Sérgio Campos Matos, Luís Bigotte Chorão
   Editorial: Húmus / Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa
   Año: 2017

  Capítulo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago: “Nacionalismos políticos y renacimientos literarios: apuntes para una perspectiva ibérica”, pp. 231-248.

“As relações entre Portugal e a Espanha e o poder relativo dos estados peninsulares no cenário internacional têm mudado muito ao longo dos dois últimos séculos. Da resistência aos ocupantes franceses à adesão à Comunidade Europeia, passando pelas crises dos finais do século XIX, as duas guerras mundiais, a instauração das ditaduras nos anos 20 e 30 e as transições para os regimes democráticos no decénio de 1970, as populações dos dois países mantiveram contactos nos mais variados planos. No entanto, ainda hoje, quando se reflecte sobre esta problemática, um tópico muito difundido é o de duas nações peninsulares vivendo de costas voltadas, enraizadas em culturas nacionalistas seculares. A sempre fugaz realidade histórica não deve contudo reduzir-se a este lugar-comum, tanto mais que a diversidade da península, da periferia ocidental à Catalunha marcou as relações luso-espanholas de um modo bem diferenciado consoante os contextos históricos. Como se desenvolveram estas relações nos planos cultural, político, diplomático e económico? Qual o significado histórico, político e cultural dos iberismos e dos hispano- americanismos? Em que sentidos poderão ter influenciado os dados da questão?”

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“Los Estudios Ibéricos como estudios literarios: algunas consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas”

  Edición: César Rina Simón
   Editorial: Universidad de Extremadura
   Año: 2017

  Capítulo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago: “Los Estudios Ibéricos como estudios literarios: algunas consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas”, pp. 347-361.

“Esta obra colectiva pretende abordar las tendencias recientes de análisis de los procesos de nacionalización en la península Ibérica desde una óptica transdisciplinar. El cuestionamiento del paradigma nacional ha abierto un nuevo horizonte de comprensión de las identidades peninsulares, en el que la historiografía, la antropología o los estudios culturales y literarios han venido a cuestionar mitos como el de las “costas viradas” o el de la marginalidad de las propuestas ibéricas.”

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“Cartography as a Tool for Studying Iberian Literary Relationships”

   Edición: Literary Geographies e-Journal
   Año: pendente de avaliação por pares

  Artículo: Pérez Isasi, Santiago e Rodrigues, Catarina Sequeira (enviado, pendente de avaliação por pares): “Cartography as a Tool for Studying Iberian Literary Relationships: Evaluation of a Practical Experiment”, Literary Geographies.


Literary Geographies is an interdisciplinary open-access e-journal that provides a forum for new research and collaboration in the field of literary/geographical studies. The journal features work combining topics and methods from literary studies, cultural geography, cartography, and spatial theory. Recognising that the term ‘literary geography’ itself (along with its variants in other languages) has multiple meanings and is practised in a variety of ways within different academic traditions, the journal takes a broad view of its subject matter. The journal is fully refereed, and welcomes submissions (in English) from scholars at all career stages, and from all parts of the world.”

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