
Santiago Pérez Isasi
FCT Research Fellow

Biographical note

Santiago Pérez Isasi (BA and PhD in Spanish Philology from the Universidade de Deusto) is an FCT funded researcher associated with the Centro de Estudos Comparatistas at the FLUL. His areas of interest include Iberian Studies, literary history, national identities and Digital Humanities. He is co-editor of the volumes Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (Peter Lang, 2013) and Los límites del Hispanismo (Peter Lang, 2017). He is also the PI of the exploratory project Mapa Digital das Relações literárias ibéricas (1870-1930). He is a member of the group DIIA (Diálogos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos) and co-coordinator of the project IstReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site) with Esther Gimeno Ugalde (Boston College).

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Catarina Sequeira Rodrigues
FCT researcher

Biographical note

Catarina Rodrigues (BA and MA in Landscape Architecture from the Instituto Superior de Agronomía at the University of Lisbon) is research fellow for the exploratory project Mapa Digital das Relações Literárias Ibéricas (1870-1930), organized within the Centro de Estudos Comparatistas at the FLUL, and financed by the FCT (IF/00838/2014). She also participated in the project PPESTSHistória Contemporânea das pragas agrícolas no Sul da Europa, organized in the Instituto de História Contemporânea – Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and funded by the FCT (IF/00222/2013/CP1166/CT0001).

Juan Álvarez Umbarila
PhD student

Biographical note

Juan Álvarez Umbarila is a PhD student at the Center for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon, where he carries out a dissertation research on the “Public Geographies of Reading Today.” He also holds a BA degree in Literature from Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, 2013) and an MA Degree in Writing, Editing and Mediating from the University of Groningen (2017). His areas of specialization are Textual Studies, Book mediations, Cultural Studies and critique, and Latin American Literature.